Boiler Plant Fuel Usage and Efficiency

Date Range: 07/27/2023 11:23 - 07/27/2024 19:23

MonthWood Fuel Input Weight (tons)Wood Fuel Input Energy* (mmBtu)Energy Delivered by Biomass Boiler (mmBtu)Biomass Boiler Efficiency Energy Supplied to District System (mmBtu)
Jan 1970000nan%0

This table presents the fuel consumed by the biomass boiler during specific months, the heat delivered by the biomass boiler to the thermal storage, the calculated efficiency of the biomass boiler, and the heat delivered to the district system. The efficiency is calculated as:

* Input energy is based on the Higher Heating Value (HHV) of the wood fuel. Note that 1 mmBtu = 1 * 10^6 Btu.
